Online Academy:
3D Illustration
Patrick Foley
3D Artist / Creative Director
> Instructor Profile
Patrick Foley (AKA Patrick4
D) is a 3D Generalist based in Atlanta, GA working primarily in the AD field. Coming from a background in Film as a Director of Photography, he's swapped over his knowledge of lighting and composition to the 3D Space. From hyper-realistic product recreations to abstract still lives, his ability to adapt to different projects within different industries plays a key role in securing work.
> Course Description:
This course will show the complete workflow in bringing an idea (in this case, a 2D cartoon element) to life in 3D. From Sculpting, composition, lighting, and texturing, all the way to rendering, and touching up in photoshop.
> This Academy Meets on:
・Tuesday, July 13
・Wednesday, July 14
> How to Prepare for this Academy:
Bring a list of ideas to potentially recreate in 3D (Think about an element from a cartoon)
> Lesson Plan:
Day 1 - Sculpting the subject from scratch/ Importing Mesh into Cinema4D
Day 2 - Lighting/Texturing/Rendering
> This academy is for:
> Instructor’s Links:
This academy is open for participants of all ages.
1. IG - @Patrick_4D
2. Website -